Death in Venice

Video Designer for Death in Venice by Benjamin Britten for the Welsh National Opera.Directed by Olivia Fuchs. Reviews... "the sheer variety of Sam Sharples’ videos of Venice and its lagoon proves…

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The Makropulos Affair

Video Designer for The Makropulos Affair by Leoš Janáček for the Welsh National Opera.Directed by Olivia Fuchs. Cast & CrewEmilia Marty Ángeles Blancas Gulin Albert Gregor Nicky Spence Dr Kolenatý…

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A Portrait of my son and my mum. Filmed for the Coastal Currents Festival in Hastings on one roll of Super8 film.

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The film Gifts, originated from eight objects that were traditionally given in England, to welcome a new child into the world: Egg, Coal, Evergreen, Salt, Candle, Bread, Coin and Silver.…

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