The Romance of Bricks
Film maker Nichola Bruce through her Archive diary takes us on a journey into the life of Lancashire Artist and Vicars daughter LIz Finch. From

SHOES in Derry
A pilot awaiting funding in conjunction with The Playhouse Theatre, Derry/Londonderry and Hallucinating Angels.

MANJUSAKA まんじゅさか, The Equinox Flower
Promo for Yumino Seki, Butoh Performace Artist.

Bellevue Days – Let’s All Be Friends
A music video by Richard Heslop and edited by me.

Steve Pyke’s on portraits he took that stick in the mind. Beautiful music by Marcus Cummings. Camera, Sound, Edit.

Tuff Invitational, Jiu Jitsu Promo
Jiu Jitsu Professor Paul Bridges takes on Leigh Remedios at the Tuff Invitational.

POSTCARDS – Kent Stories from WW1
Finished making a film on the coastal stories of Kent’s involvement in ww1, made with Nichola Bruce. www.kentww1.com

A Portrait of my son and my mum. Filmed for the Coastal Currents Festival in Hastings on one roll of Super8 film.

A film and live performance about SHOES and the the journeys people made in them. http://www.hallucinatingangels.co.uk/

A spare of the moment film made by Me, Patrick Kealey and Frances Viner. A great improv RANT by Patrick!